Latest Tools and Techniques in the Entertainment Industry

Big data and data processing have affected many things in recent years. One of the most significant changes is the development of large language models (LLM) and their various implications. The Entertainment Industry has also been affected. There are many different music generator AIs. Surprisingly, these AIs guarantee that people producing music with this software will not face royalty-free issues (PR Newswire, 2024).

Moreover, there are projects in the cinema industry as well. After the pandemic, cinema theatres struggled with decreasing demand, and it was crucial to understand when and which theatres would reopen (Wei, Q., & Zhao, N., 2022). According to Wei, Q., & Zhao, N. (2022), big data-driven algorithms enhanced attendance, revenue, and people flow accuracies with a negligible error of under 2%. Indeed, the new system developed has created some of the KPIs above since the older one has only captured sales. This means accuracy and depth have improved thanks to this new system.

This year, Weiwei Wu’s article underlined that even actor choices are being made by intelligent algorithms. Weiwei Wu says algorithms match the script and the actors and then score them according to different criteria to estimate a movie’s overall success with those actors. It also helps to estimate total revenue and profit before the producers even do casting.

Increasing estimation accuracy with data-driven products is valuable and helps industry shareholders. However, composing music with AI, choosing the actor with intelligent algorithms, and other similar steps should still be discussed further from ethical perspectives, including but not limited to copyright issues. Also, using data-driven products in creative industries or tasks may result in a feedback loop. AI or other data-driven projects could be innovative to some extent; however, they may be repetitive afterward because similar and repetitive data will train them.


Tad.AI Launches A Next-Gen AI Music Generator Set to Redefine the
Future of Music Creation. (2024). PR Newswire US.

Wei, Q., & Zhao, N. (2022). Establishment of a Big Data Monitoring
Platform for Cinema Opening in the Postepidemic Era from the
Perspective of Public Health. Journal of Environmental & Public
Health, 1–9.

Weiwei Wu. (2024). Application of Intelligent Algorithms and Big Data
Analysis in Film and Television Creation. Scalable Computing:
Practice & Experience, 25(3), 1882–1893.

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